![[ Residential Options for Persons with Developmental Disabilities ]](images/header05.jpg)
About Us
In 1996, the management and board of Clay County Horizon Center, which operated Flora Manor (a 59-bed facility), began formulating ways of providing additional residential options for Illinois residents with developmental disabilities, while continuing to provide the quality care the organization was known for.
They concluded that although the organization was making excellent efforts in integrating individuals into the community, another way to provide increased opportunity for community integration would be to develop small group homes. From these discussions, CILA Corporation was formed and incorporated on July 1,1998.
Beginning with Bluebird Hill, an 8-bed home, CILA Corporation now owns 9 homes, serving 72 individuals.
CILA Corporation, a community provider of Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA), provides supervised, supportive living arrangements addressing the preferences, strengths, abilities, needs, and life-span issues of adults with developmental disabilities. Either intermittent or 24-hour supports may be provided, as needed.
Through a comprehensive method of assessment, and input from clients, families, and guardians, an Individual Service Plan is developed to address specific training areas for each person.
CILA Corporation provides training opportunities for individuals in both structured and unstructured settings, and within the home or in the community. As part of a rigorous effort to integrate individuals into the community, day training and employment opportunities are contracted with a local provider and are considered an integral part of the training process.
CILA Corporation is committed to ensuring that individuals served receive professional and humanistic services directed towards their needs in a manner that protects their dignity and feelings of self worth. Individuals are expected to treat others with dignity and respect while receiving residential services in an environment that is free from harm.
The health and safety needs of individuals served by CILA Corporation are addressed in the living environment, and opportunities are provided for the persons served to have their own personal space; providing privacy and personal security to individuals.
With an experienced team of professional and direct support personnel and volunteers, CILA Corporation offers a wide array of personal services including:
- 24-Hour supervision by trained staff
- Self-direction and self-advocacy training
- Behavior management
- Daily living skills training
- Independent living skills training
- Money management
- Self-medication training
- Community safety skills training
- Mobility training
- Restorative therapies
- Crisis intervention
The residential population served shall include individuals eighteen (18) years of age or older with developmental disabilities and major functional skill deficits.
Developmental disabilities include:
- Mental retardation
- Cerebral palsy
- Epilepsy
- other conditions that occur during the developmental years, which are expected to be life-long and require the same types of intervention and support as mental retardation.
For more details as to who qualify, please read our admission criteria.
The mission of CILA Corporation is to provide needed residential services to individuals with developmental disabilities. The overall goal is to provide individually focused programs and services to help individuals overcome deficits and become as independent as possible.
CILA Corporation will consider its mission accomplished when all individuals with developmental disabilities are participating to the greatest extent possible and as they chose in maximizing physical, social, psychological, intellectual, and emotional potential for useful and productive activity alongside their neighboring community members.
The foundation for CILA Corporation's core values is that all individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. It is our belief that all individuals, without regard to severity of disability, are capable of increasing their abilities if proper services and supports are administered to their individual needs.
Our goal is to enable individuals served to have the best possible quality of life through a program, which is integrated into the community. Services shall be provided in homes, which provide a personalized living arrangement, where self-advocacy is fostered. For individuals served who are unable to make choices, we will assist in seeking a guardian or legal representative who will act in the best interest of the individual.
A Place to Call Home
View each of our beautiful group homes at our 9 locations.
Who Qualifies?
What are the admission criteria to qualify for assistance through CILA?